Frequently Asked Questions
Why Join the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail
and Transportation Workers (SMART)?
For more than 100 years, workers in the sheet metal industry have found that SMART was best suited in understanding their needs, their industry and their hopes and aspirations.
SMART was the first union in its industry to establish 100% employer-paid health insurance programs, employer-paid pension plans, industry health and safety programs, formalized apprenticeship and journeymen training and excellent wage and working conditions.
Why belong to any union?
American and Canadian workers have been joining together in democratic unions since the end of the 18th Century. Economic history has shown that only when workers join together in unions can their voices be heard and the lives of themselves and their families be bettered.
and Transportation Workers (SMART)?
For more than 100 years, workers in the sheet metal industry have found that SMART was best suited in understanding their needs, their industry and their hopes and aspirations.
SMART was the first union in its industry to establish 100% employer-paid health insurance programs, employer-paid pension plans, industry health and safety programs, formalized apprenticeship and journeymen training and excellent wage and working conditions.
Why belong to any union?
American and Canadian workers have been joining together in democratic unions since the end of the 18th Century. Economic history has shown that only when workers join together in unions can their voices be heard and the lives of themselves and their families be bettered.